How to Strengthen your Will Power
Few days ago I wrote a message on the one word that can change your future, if you missed it
please check the previous blog to read up thanks.
please check the previous blog to read up thanks.
My one word is CONSISTENCY! guess what? It is really not that easy to keep to what you have made up your mind to do. This is a true test of your Will power which is the ability to control your thoughts and the way you behave. I understand that why some persons can't keep up to what they have planned to do no matter what is because their will power is weak. When you find it difficult to control your will or allow others control it for you, you risk being unstable and most times disadvantaged also living with lots of regrets, now that's no life.
I was so busy today reading online biographies and Forbes women's list that I didn't know when time flew behind me, I almost said I will blog tomorrow; that was a big temptation I was about to yield to until I thought about this will power thing. I have come to understand that we can decide to have a strong will power or a very weak one it will always be our choice but don't worry, let me share vital tips on how you can strengthen your will power.
1:Reading Good Books
Read! Read! Read! I can never lay enough emphasis on benefits of reading. Until you bend down to read, you will never reap from the good around you. Book hold more secrets and solutions to most of your problems but these days people find it difficult to read, social media won't just let humans develop their Medulla oblongata. They prefer to read and watch things online that won't help them grow instead of reading good articles, blogs and books that can motivate a healthy, wealthy, knowledgeable life
2: Consider the Consequences
This am sure will work 1000 zillion times. You can strengthen your will power by first thinking and calculating about the consequences of not doing what you have decided to do. E.g I almost didn't blog today out of tiredness and almost gave in even though I had made up my mind to be consistent but, when I thought of the consequences of not blogging today I knew I had to post late than never.
I would loose souls this message would inspire, I would regret not keeping my word and the hard to accept truth would be that I have failed at being consistent even before I started.
You can suddenly power your will each time you stop thinking about what you will enjoy and think of the consequences first. If the consequences are indeed grave then am sure you don't need more Motivation to get up and start doing what you are suppose to do or even resist a particular craving or temptation before you.
Think about the consequences of not doing what you are determined to accomplish, am sure by the time you are done thinking about it your brains must have released all the energy hormones to aid the accomplishment of your task or goal.
Much Love
Tuvia Kings
Enter your comment...beautiful piece... thanks for revealing this to us....