by - 04:16:00

Love story

At some point in my life, i fell in love with the perfect gentle man 'MR P' who showed me love and gave me many reasons to relax
and take my time to do things, the kind of treat i never got from anybody but, little did i know i fell in love with .......... (Speechless)

Have you ever heard of the Man called Mr 'P'?, he deserves an award for being the famous generational Cheat.
Well you might not have heard about him but you sure have noticed him in your life on few occasions. Now while we all might think that everything worketh out for our Good, you really don't want to open the door for Mr 'P' because he is a total destroyer, he is bent on sapping all the joy in your life and capable of drowning your eyes in the pool of tears, embracing your heart with lots of hate and filling your brains with lots of pains.

The worst part is that most of us don't even know when we open the door and embrace his 'Royal Wickedness 'Mr P'. He slowly sips into your life with the false romance, carress and eats deep into you like cancer until he renders you useless. Another worst part is that before you realise 'THE EVILS OF MR P' it might be too late to undo every harm and heartbreak he did but; 

Hence, you have discovered the evils of the sweet, handsome, tall, swaggerlicious Mr P, it is possible to set yourself free from such disastrous relationship. What does it take to  cut off from this perfect man with evil intentions?, it only takes

1: understanding the importance of investing in yourself
2: you better know that time waits for no man
3: answering that question you usually ask God (Why Me on planet Earth?)
4:your will power to say, enough is enough.

I know that at this point you are probably wondering who  this outrageous 'MR P' is?
 Lol(but I am serious) beware of this seductive, evil P, he is a two edged sword, he bites you, kills you softly while blowing kisses straight to your heart.

MR P is #Procrastination
Run for your life!.

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