For Queens Only!

by - 02:40:00

This Morning after seeing this picture i asked myself a question I am asking you, are you The Queen or The one Clapping?. Are queens born or made?.
Between Queen Elizabeth 2 and the Pope who do you think people will follow?. Dear Lady, there are born queens like Elizabeth2 and there are queens who are made. Every queen rules just her world just Like Queen Elizabeth2 rules England, Mrs Michelle Obama rules in USA as the first Lady.Because we want to be the queen that's why women are so jealous of themselves ,can't tolorate and accomodate themselves, but can we pause, think and know that for every Queen there's a higher Queen somewhere. If you aren't a princess by birth that doesn't mean you can't live your life as a queen. A queen is a woman who is hardworking and smart,has good Manners, courtsey,humility, confidence, panache, kindheart, has invested lots of knowledge in her brain, is content and works magic with what she has also quite fashionable. If you are this and More then don't bother yourself with that first question, simply live and enjoy your life, appreciate others and they will appreciate you. The ones who need to clap for us are the Men so step up your game so you can get them to clap for you. Say to yourself I am a QUEEN! Now and Always World without end Amen!. XoXo:Tuvia Kings -Elegantly Defining Style.

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