Do you know why women are unhappy? Find out!

by - 02:50:00

Colourful happy girl


💋 This is one of the first posts I intended to post a long time but for one or two reasons I am doing it today.😊
Every woman's life deserves to be #colourful.
Women were created beautifully insideout, we were indirectly created to control and maintain the earth through love. Unfortunately the lives of so many women have gone from sunshine🌞  to darkness🌚 and they are still suffering and smiling. Women suffer from a lot of things, depression, anger, low self-esteem, jealousy, unforgiveness, inferiority/superiority complex, envy, greed, lust, etc and some don't know that these are the things that drain colour🌈 out of our lives and where there's no colour or light, darkness takes over.

💐Can you imagine replacing gratitude and contentment with envy greed and jealousy?👀 Oh yeah take sometime to focus and ponder on that, I'll be all ears to hear what you think. The Genesis of being a #Colouredgirl is openess of heart 💓.

🌈Until women learn to be content and grateful for what they have, where they are and why they are there, also looking for creative ways to stay happy even in difficult situations, then the enemy will keep draining the colours out of our lives.

Colourful happy girl

⚔ I will first tell you who a coloured Girl is not:
💡A coloured girl is not a woman that walks with her head bowed down to the earth.
⚔ She is not the woman that is not content and doesn't show gratitude
⚔She is not a woman that doesn't have any valuables upstairs
⚔She is not a destroyer
⚔She is not easily decieved by the serpent.
⚔She is not lazy at all
⚔she is not disrespectful
⚔ She is not one without a Vision/mission.
⚔ She is not a woman full of hate and wickedness.

🌈The list can go on and on but let's take a breath here.  Every woman has the right to make her life first colourful and also colour the lives of people around her. 
We start bringing and retaining colours when we start being grateful and hopeful. The essence of our existence and perseverance through hard times is the HOPE that tomorrow will be greater than today. As a woman even if you were fired from your job, just got divorced, carry family load, not doing well in your studies, have depression, hate any part of your body or some loved one died and so on, I am glad to announce to you that you have been wasting your time killing your life over those tragedy. Yes as a human before a woman, you should yield to sad emotions but not for long. 

Yielding to sad emotion is what saps the colour out of your life. Your father died? Ok we get it but now he is buried and you are living that life without hope, does that change the fact that your dead father or loved one cannot resurrect?. My dear, life must go on and not just go on but happily go on. This is what a coloured girl truly understands more than other girls.
🌈Someone asked me a question sometime saying "why coloured girl and not coloured woman?" Well my response is simple. Girls have fun, women don't. It is important to open the door for the girl inside of you; that girl that can joyfully play with others, that girl that just asks mummy for a nice dress 👗 and runs out to play not paying attention to the length, design of the dress or her body type, just grateful. The girl you annoy and after sometime she becomes happy with friends or family. 

Colourful happy girl

🌈💃🏽 it's a fact for me, girls have fun women don't. Pretties there's no colour in your life without happiness. This happiness, contentment,aspirations, success,family, friends etc  add colour to your life but only when you can find true joy and happiness in the midst of chaos.

🌈 The more colours you add to your life, the longer and happier you shall live.

 _Lots of love_ 
 *Tuvia Kings*

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  1. Chukwuemeka chimezie8 June 2018 at 07:56

    Wow very beautiful write up you have here though am a guy but k really picked one or two point from all said tuvilious ur d bomb.


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