Why you shouldn't give up on your fashion dreams.

by - 08:00:00


I remember looking for who will teach me how to sew when i realized my passion for fashion, it seemed like an endless hopeless search as i had nothing, not even some little cash
to pay my madam as an apprentice. I remember walking to Mrs Chisom's shop begging her to teach me and not reject me with my 5,000 Naira. She accepted me and taught me the things i know before she relocated with her husband to Abuja, then i wept because i knew a good teacher was leaving me but for good though.

I remember saving hard to buy my first butterfly sewing machine, my Mum had laughed when i told her i wanted to learn sewing but when she saw my sewing machine and some clothes i made already, she knew i wasn't joking and supported me and that was just the beginning.
It's not an easy road pursuing your passion, sometimes it comes with high price and self denial, i would sew until my back ached like i was hit by a car. The worst part of it is that the customers and profit don't come frequently so i had to find an alternative source of income. It wasn't easy then and it is still not easy now trying to live your dream, but the good news is despite all challenges to knock me off the track, i haven't given up, yes the pace might be slow but am still walking and working and so should you.

This article is to encourage and strengthen someone who is just starting  to live their dreams in the fashion world. The challenges, stress, hustle is real but fight your way through it all and make sure you emerge as the victor and not the victim. Let the #BIGPICTURE of your dream guide you to glory.

If you have any contributions, suggestions or what you would want me answer and write about please drop your comments below. thanks.

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