Fashion Don't! Never consider never try it!

by - 09:03:00

Kelly! is this undersized bra sewn with steels? this is so embarrassing especially when it looks like your peanuts are begging to be freed while the steels are pushing back. Fans, never try this  it costs nothing  to get the right costume.
OMG! the only thing we can say is NO! to this. Everything about this outfit is wrong its not even fit to be called gagalicious. Learn the difference between red carpet appearance, music video and everyday outfit.
Miley sweet its true you are an adult no longer Hannah Montana but can you for once remember the kids that see you as their role model. This outfit from head to toe is a fashion don't and we refuse to accept this as style.
We can like the character Sponge Bob but we are not allowed to be Sponge Bob for crying out loud Rita, since when did a long cardigan become a dress? the image is scary the colour is too loud and it wasn't so wise of you to wear the same print as your shoe it appears your face and the character you are wearing don't agree.
This is Kim K incase you don't know. Please ladies always make sure your leggins or jeggins is not see through and to be further safe wear a long top that can cover your behind.
Hello guys, the PawPaw is ripe for you to plug!. That's the bell you are ringing if you wear this kind of outfit we agree that if you have big burst you should wear low neck dress but you musn't expose this much to look sexy and attractive.Cosy is that a rosary or rope on your neck?.
Guys please never wear any colour of socks with sandals its only meant for school kids.
This is not ideal for guys to wear, its just not sexy with the guns looking for who to shoot. The regular swimming trunk is and will always be fine.

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